
Audience research and insight

We believe in research that can make a difference: clear, unambiguous and useful.

We use research and insight to drive strategy, putting audiences at the heart of decision-making and enabling you to understand your audiences better in order to connect with them, grow them and increase your impact.

We also offer benchmarked, off-the-shelf and always-on audience insight through Indigo Share, our collective approach to audience insight.

Audience 101

Do you need an overall picture of your audiences: who they are, how they are behaving and what they think of you? We use a combination of behavioural data analysis, surveys and benchmarking to pull together a comprehensive and clear picture of your current audiences and identify opportunities for development.

Surveys and other quantitative research

Whether it’s finding out how existing customers behave, what media they consume, or how the view your brand or venue, we can design cost-effective and timely surveys to augment the picture you already have of your customers and visitors.

We aim to design research that complements other sources of data you have – such as box office, or industry-wide data – making sure you have a context for your findings.

We will help you to determine the appropriate research methods to use to gain the maximum insights.

If you're looking for off-the-shelf benchmarked post-visit surveys, which are great value for money, check out Indigo Share: Subscription.

Focus groups and other qualitative research

Sometimes you need to dig deeper into the "why" of your audiences. We design qualitative research programmes which uncover the deeper beliefs, attitudes and motivations of your audiences and potential audiences, helping you craft better strategies and communications.

Using focus groups, online communities, forums and in-depth interviews, our skilled researchers can help you find out what makes your audiences tick.

Audience panels and research communities

The Indigo Share: Culture Panel has over 20,000 cultural attenders available to take part in research. We offer fast-turnaround research with ready-made tools such as our Quick Polls and Mystery Shopper Programmes. We can also recruit participants for bespoke research, with selection possible on multiple criteria, including age, region and artform preferences.

We have also pioneered the use of online research communities within the arts and culture sector. Online communities offer participants creative and engaging tasks at a time of day to suit them, and allow us to triangulate insight to build a richer picture of audiences and potential audiences. Most research communities range from three days to a week, but you can also build longer-term feedback and insight with our supported ongoing bespoke communities.

Brand and creative testing

Whether you are working with a design agency on a full rebrand or want to test out an upcoming campaign to see whether it's hitting the right notes, we offer rapid-response creative testing using our Culture Panel. Within a couple of days, you can find out whether your campaign is likely to succeed or fail, de-risking your decision making.

For brand development, we can offer qualitative testing of concepts through to final creative directions.

In a world drowning in data, Indigo are always able to get to the heart of what matters for cinemas we work with and give insights that make a real difference to bringing more people to life-changing films.

Duncan Carson, Projects and Business Manager, Independent Cinema Office