Share: Co-Create
A brand new, collaborative and cost-effective way of commissioning bespoke research.
You suggest the research topic and we will find a cluster of organisations with similar needs to share the costs and the insight.
Is there something you really want to know about your audiences?
Share: CoCreate is designed to enable organisations to:
- Conduct bespoke research at a fraction of the cost
- Access richer data by working with other organisations and sharing the results
- Gain deeper insight through conversations with peers
We will work with you to design the research, and facilitate conversations with all the organisations taking part.
We can also help you to find other organisations who might want to get involved through our extensive industry networks. Whether you have a clear idea for a piece of research or you want to chat through some rough ideas, we can help you gather the insight that will help you.
Prices will vary depending on the project and the number of organisations - get in touch and let's have a chat!