
We pride ourselves on our collaborative, consultative and pragmatic approach, providing sensible solutions which give our clients the confidence to move forwards.

Our team has years of experience working in senior marketing, communications and insight roles for cultural organisations of all types and sizes, and we bring that expertise to every project we work on.

Whether you’re looking for a new approach to your audience development, greater insight into audiences, evaluation of your current activity or just some support, we can help.

Marketing and audience development

If you need to develop a new marketing strategy or an audience development action plan, refine your brand or review your pricing strategy, Indigo can help.

Our help and advice is always bespoke, so whether you have a clear idea of what your project involves, or not, we can help you to define the right approach to take. We are also available to support you to restructure or develop your existing marketing and Box Office teams. 

  • Marketing and Audience Development Strategy
  • Redefining your brand
  • Staff development
  • Collaborative projects
  • Pricing review
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Research, insight and evaluation

We believe in research that can make a difference – that is clear, unambiguous and useful. 

When working with individual organisations, we use research alongside other types of insight to ensure we are building a rounded and comprehensive picture, and to help put context around the findings. 

Our large-scale national research programmes always offer a free point of entry, and have helped organisations across the UK and internationally to understand audiences and inform communications and business planning.

  • Large-scale national benchmarking surveys
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Research
  • Evaluation and Measurement
  • Audience overview
  • Market assessment
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Place-based cultural engagement

Cultural organisations have the potential to be an integral part of their local area, embedded in the lives of the people they aim to serve. 

We can help you to connect with your local community, by understanding more about who they are, how they engage with culture and what they want from a culture or heritage organisation.

  • Supporting place-based partnerships
  • Data analysis
  • Creating place-based audience development frameworks
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CRM, segmentation and systems

Are you trying to engage more first timers, revive lapsed customers, increase frequency or just understand more about your audience behaviour? We can work with you to devise a strategy to meet your CRM targets, or to segment your customers to communicate with them differently. 

And if you decide you need a new system to support this - or simply some help evaluating or getting the best out of your current one - we can guide you through the process of assessing your needs, scoping the market and making the right choice with you.

  • CRM strategy
  • CRM & Ticketing system procurement
  • Segmentation
  • Visitor-focused systems planning
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Training and webinars

We create and run training that involves participants and equips them to apply what they have learned as soon as they return to the office. 

We’re regularly asked to run training sessions and present webinars for many industry bodies including the Arts Marketing Association, Independent Cinema Office and Association of British Orchestras.

These include marketing strategy, CRM, Audience Development and using data and research for effective decision making.

  • Basics of CRM
  • GDPR Training
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Sometimes it’s important to pause and take stock of where you are and what you are achieving, and this is where some external eyes can be really valuable. We have developed a series of tools and processes to help you to do this.

  • Marketing MOT
  • GDPR Review
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Let's talk

Whether you’ve got a specific issue you’d like our help with, or just want to find out how we might help your organisation, get in touch on for an informal chat. You can also sign up to our mailing list.

Our clients include: