Services — Marketing and audience development

“The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer”Peter Drucker

If you need to develop a new marketing strategy or an audience development action plan, refine your brand or review your pricing strategy, Indigo can help.

Our help and advice is always bespoke, so whether you have a clear idea of what your project involves, or not, we can help you to define the right approach to take. We are also available to support you to restructure or develop your existing marketing and Box Office teams.

Marketing and Audience Development Strategy

An essential part of any organisation’s business strategy, a marketing and/or audience development strategy is the route map to increased income and impact.

Whether you need to develop ‘more of the same’ audiences, or diversify those you engage with, we can help devise a strategy and a pragmatic approach to audience development, equipping you with the tools you need to take it forward in a consistent and effective way.

We have worked with scores of cultural charities, always ensuring that the strategy is clear, practical and is owned by the organisation, rather than something put on a shelf.

Redefining your brand

Unsure if your existing brand fits your organisation’s mission and aims, or appeals sufficiently to your target audiences? We can help you create a compelling brand proposition, test it on potential users and guide your organisation’s communications and messaging.

Staff development

Do you need an honest appraisal of your marketing team? Or are you looking to re-structure your communications or Box Office functions to meet the challenges ahead? We can work with you to devise an appropriate staff structure, job descriptions and, if required, assist with the recruitment and selection of staff.

Collaborative projects

Often there is a desire for venues or companies to work on joint initiatives – perhaps to develop a certain audience, or to devise a new approach together. We have experience of leading and managing many projects of this kind, and our experience of working with organisations of all scales and types is invaluable.

Pricing review

How do you know whether your pricing approach is working for you? Would increasing prices improve the income overall, or reduce your capacity? Would cutting prices stimulate demand and increase occupancy? We can undertake reviews to identify where income can be increased, through a combination of pricing and revenue management tools.

Indigo has a wealth of knowledge and understanding about arts audiences, and a creative and strategic approach to getting results and providing advice to arts organisations. 

Nicola Young, Communications Director, Belgrade Theatre Coventry